1. PRK procedure
  2. PRK procedure
  3. PRK eye surgery steps

PRK Eye Surgery Steps

This article covers all the steps involved in PRK eye surgery, including pre-operative and post-operative care, potential risks and outcomes.

PRK Eye Surgery Steps

PRK eye surgery is a type of refractive laser surgery used to correct nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. It involves reshaping the cornea to allow light to be focused properly on the retina, resulting in improved vision. The procedure is relatively quick and painless, and the results are usually immediate. This article will provide an overview of the PRK eye surgery steps, including pre-operative preparations, the actual procedure, post-operative care, and potential risks. For those considering PRK eye surgery, it is important to understand the entire process, including all the PRK eye surgery steps involved. This article will provide a comprehensive look at the PRK eye surgery steps to help ensure that patients are fully informed before deciding if this procedure is right for them.


PRK eye surgery requires the use of anesthesia to ensure a safe and comfortable procedure.

During the procedure, your eyes will be numbed with eye drops prior to the surgery, so you shouldn't feel any pain. Your doctor may also administer a sedative to help you relax during the procedure. In some cases, topical anesthesia may be used as well. Topical anesthesia is applied to the eye as an ointment or eye drops and can last up to several hours. It can help reduce discomfort during the procedure and can also reduce the risk of infection. It's important to discuss any concerns you may have about anesthesia with your doctor prior to the procedure.

Pre-Operative Preparation

Before undergoing PRK eye surgery, your doctor will conduct a comprehensive eye exam and review your medical history.

This includes testing your vision, checking the health of your eyes, and determining the shape and thickness of your cornea. Imaging tests such as optical coherence tomography (OCT) or corneal topography may be used to accurately measure the shape of your cornea. Your doctor will also ask about any medications you are taking and may advise you to stop taking certain medications prior to the procedure. Be sure to provide your doctor with a complete list of all medications, vitamins, or supplements that you take. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully before and after the procedure to ensure the best possible outcome.

You may be asked to stop wearing contact lenses for a period of time prior to surgery. Your doctor will also ask you to avoid wearing eye makeup and perfumes the day of the procedure.

Post-Operative Care

After the procedure, it is important to take extra care of your eyes. You will be given protective eyewear to wear for a few days, which should be kept on even when you are sleeping.

Additionally, your surgeon may give you antibiotic and anti-inflammatory eye drops to reduce discomfort and speed up healing. It is important to use these drops as directed by your doctor and avoid touching the eyes with dirty hands. You should also keep your eyes moist by using artificial tears regularly. Your doctor will likely schedule follow-up visits so that they can track your progress and make sure the healing process is going as expected. During these visits, they may take measurements of your vision and check for any signs of infection or other complications.

You should take all of your follow-up visits very seriously in order to ensure the best possible outcome from the PRK eye surgery. It is also important to make sure you get plenty of rest following the procedure. Avoid strenuous activities for a few days and be sure to wear sunglasses when outdoors. The sunglasses should be large enough to cover the entire eye area.


During the PRK eye surgery procedure, your doctor will use a laser to reshape your cornea. The laser removes a thin layer of tissue from the surface of your cornea in order to change its shape and improve vision.

This procedure takes approximately 10 minutes, and you will receive a local anesthetic to numb your eye and make the procedure more comfortable. The doctor will then use the laser to create a thin flap in the cornea and will then remove the outer layers of the cornea. The laser is used to precisely reshape the cornea so that it can better focus light onto the retina. This reshaping allows for improved vision. After the procedure is complete, your doctor will cover your eye with a bandage contact lens. You may experience some discomfort, but it should be temporary.

You may also be prescribed eye drops for a few weeks after the surgery. Once the procedure is complete, you will be able to return home and resume normal activities in a few days. Your vision should improve within one to three months, but it may take up to six months for full results.


Most patients who undergo PRK eye surgery experience improved vision within a few days or weeks after the procedure. The results of the surgery are typically long-lasting, meaning that the effects of PRK eye surgery can last for several years without needing any additional treatment. In some cases, patients may need to have follow-up treatments to maintain their improved vision.

It's important to discuss potential outcomes with your doctor before undergoing PRK eye surgery. The success rate for PRK eye surgery is very high and most patients experience significant improvements in their vision. However, there are some risks associated with the procedure and it's important to be aware of these potential risks before undergoing the surgery. The most common risk is overcorrection, which can cause blurred vision or night vision problems. Other risks include undercorrection, dry eye, infection, and glare. Overall, PRK eye surgery is a safe and effective way to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism.

Most patients are satisfied with the results of their procedure and experience improved vision without any major complications or risks. It's important to discuss the potential outcomes of PRK eye surgery with your doctor before undergoing the procedure.

Potential Risks and Complications

PRK eye surgery is generally considered a safe procedure, but there are still potential risks and complications that should be taken into consideration. These can include infection, dry eyes, light sensitivity, and loss of vision. In rare cases, scarring or a change in the shape of the cornea can occur.

Your doctor will discuss all possible risks before proceeding with the surgery. Infection is the most common risk associated with any type of surgical procedure, including PRK eye surgery. To reduce the risk of infection, your doctor will take steps to ensure a sterile environment during the procedure. Additionally, you will be given antibiotics to take before and after the surgery to reduce the risk of infection. Another common complication of PRK eye surgery is dry eyes. This can be due to damage to the nerves and tear glands in the cornea.

To reduce this risk, your doctor may recommend artificial tears or lubricating eye drops before and after surgery. In severe cases, further treatments may be necessary. Light sensitivity is another possible complication of PRK eye surgery. This can occur due to damage to the cornea or due to the healing process. To reduce this risk, your doctor may recommend special sunglasses or tinted contact lenses after surgery.

Loss of vision

is a rare but possible complication of PRK eye surgery.

This can occur due to scarring or an incorrect correction of refractive errors. To reduce this risk, your doctor will take great care to ensure that the procedure is done properly and that you receive the right prescription.

Lara Michocki
Lara Michocki

Award-winning coffee expert. Hipster-friendly food maven. Hardcore internet buff. Total web buff. Certified tv evangelist.

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